I am reading Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. In chapter six the Duchess said,"If everybody minded their own business the World would go round much faster." Alice disagreed with the Duchess. I found myself thinking about both arguments and wondered should people mind their own business or not?
There are negatives to getting into peoples business. One such example is prying or meddling, which can also lead to gossip. These negatives fall under the category of social taboos. Usually these taboos will make you end up hurting yourself as well as others. Everyone knows that sniffing out what you are getting for your birthday may be fun in the beginning but will only steal the fun and excitement at the time of your party.
On the other hand, there are positives to getting into other's business. There have been many news stories about the hero who stepped in and saved the day because they chose to get involved. This action ended in saving a life or protecting another from danger.
Knowing there are good and bad sides to this coin, I thought, "Is there another example of when we should snoop into other's business?" If you remember, the Duchess stated her opinion on the issue in the beginning of this report. She thought it was best for people to stay out of the way and keep to themselves. I tend to agree but with the exception that she holds an official title in a governing system which makes decisions that effect the public. The Duchess' influential decision making powers sway control in society. This made me think, it is very important to know what political leaders are involved with so I can be informed on how their decisions will effect me. A political figure can withhold information, twist information and say one thing and do another. In order for the population to protect their freedom, full knowledge of the political figures business is a must.
Since circumstances can differ, a case by case judgement should dictate your involvement in other's business especially in a social situation. In a political situation, one should do what they can to be factually informed especially since their rights may be at stake. It all comes down to this, it's up to you Nancy Drew, to decide weather getting in peoples business will get you a clue.
Alex, you take after your mother. Go get em girl!