Over the years I have sewn two tails, my original red fox/coyote and my grey wolf / arctic fox tails. This year I have sewn a third tail a silver/black fox tail! I was inspired to make this tail to go with my one and only silver fox plush! I got the perfect fur to complete this peculiar tail, the color is a mix of black cat and sweet brown with a snow white tip like a usual fox would have.
My original red fox tail was tricky because it was our first time making a tail! I needed help from my family. I was a little nervous because I didn't want to give up my old tail which came off a horse I used to have. I used the horse tail as a unicorn tail, then a wolf tail and finally a fox tail until I found a you tube video on how to make an easy quality tail. I thought this was quite appealing to have something that actually looks like a fox tail ! I like my fox tails because they make me feel more like a fox when I play with my friends. I can also be more than a fox with these tails!
I can be .....
- Red Fox
- Grey Fox
- Arctic Fox
- Fennec Fox
- Black Fox
- Silver Fox
- Grey Wolf
- Red Wolf
- Arctic Wolf
- Coyote
With five ears and three tails I can be 10 canines.
Arctic Wolf |
Grey Fox |
Fennec Fox |
Arctic Fox |
Red Fox/ Coyote |
Grey Wolf |
Heather Raven Paw the Silver Fox |
Red Wolf is not shown.
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