Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Road Rage

 Road Rage

In her Passat
with her daughter
on a day quite hot
we where driving down Slaughter
then we stopped at a green light
Mom opened her mouth for a fight

She shouted, "Are you picking your nose,"
with flames bursting from her ears,
"Are you off in a dose?"
I was embarrassed from all these jeers
I hope nobody sees!
Oh, get me out of here please!

Floor it ! Come on!
She yelled like a maniac
before she noticed I was gone in my thoughts
thinking about giving her fowl mouth a wack
so now you know when its traffic time
not all the things Mom does are sublime. 


To all you moms out there that screech at the old Chinese grandma that's picking her nose while her car sits at a green light 
-Alex Brown