Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Quest Part 2

He is missing a cub. One of the two cubs he had had been swept away while he was pulled under. The other is whining with fear so he pulls up onto dry land and puts it down on the nice warm grass and it subsides. He looks up to motion her to swim across but she has gone along the river side vigilantly searching  for her lost pup. Then she sees it. The cub is capsized onto its back. Thank goodness it has air!
She finds a nice place in the grass to put the two pups she has and dives in. The water is cold against her fur she strains towards the pup and grasps it's cold soggy body, it shivers in her mouth, she is tossed and turned constantly while fighting the river. Could this be the end of her generation? She feels a sharp pain as she is dragged down, now all is calm. She doesn't feel the pup in her grasp. She feels her surroundings suddenly lighten and everything is rushing again. All she can see is the blur of five figures.
Her surroundings change again she is gaining her senses back and she is on land. She looks at her half
Wolf Photo by:Baerni
"She looks at her half drowned pup waddling up to her"

Wolf photo by:ahisgett
"her mate motions her to get up and starts padding away"
drowned pup waddling up to her and her venerable mate keeping the soaked cubs warm. She is so relieved and relaxed but there is no time to loose. They need to find a territory populous in food and hiding areas, a new place safe from any bears, a place for her pups to grow up. This is when the real journey begins. Her mate motions her to get up and starts padding away with  pups trotting behind him.
She gets up wearily and hobbles over. Then they see a figure off in the distance it is small and brown, perhaps a fox? No. It is a rabbit, a sign of life and food! Her mate starts faster towards the land because he knows that it is a safe plentiful place to make a den. Finally, they have arrived at the best den yet it was gorgeous for it was a small rock den with a hidden entrance in a beautiful area just fit for wolves.
wolf pup photo by:USFWS Headquarters

Robbers Cave Trailhead photo by:FreeWine

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