Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Way Ben Franklin Likes His Turkey

In an endearing letter to his daughter Ben Franklin said:

"I wish the eagle hadn't been chosen representative for our country. He is a bird of bad character. He will watch as the diligent River Hawk dives down to catch his splendorous meal to take back to his mate and chicks but then the eagle attacks him and grasps his prize for he is too lazy to catch fish for himself. He is like a robber more so than a honorary bird. The king bird not smaller than the common sparrow battles him boldly and drives him away. I prefer a Turkey, because the turkey is a much more honorable bird though a little vain and silly he is a bird of courage and would not hesitate to attack a grenadier at his farm with a red coat on."

I would choose the Secretary Bird because it sounds organized and honorable.


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